Skin care is one of the most crucial habits of wellness. Your skin serves as a guard against weather mood swings, smoke and countless other toxins in your daily surroundings. Although it might look fine at first glance, it definitely takes a toll. You should always make a huge effort to replenish your moneymaker when possible, and it can get costly with all those overpriced products you grew up thinking you had to buy. STOP BUYING THEM!
This is another cool project in which DIY takes the cake. Let’s hear it for ingredients we can pronounce, shall we?
Most people already have lemons and honey stocked, and I happen to have them in bulk. (The lemons aid in my kale addiction and I load my espresso and teas with honey) Cut open a lemon and squeeze a circle of honey in the middle. Gently exfoliate your face all over, focusing on your T zone – nose, forehead – and the spots where you tend to sweat the most. Make sure you keep your hair away from your face to prevent a sticky mess.
This combination also helps even out your skin tone and correct blemishes.
Lemons: Natural source of Vitamin C, loaded with alpha hydroxy acids (removes dead skin cells, making your skin softer) and is known for literally brightening your skin.
Honey: Absorbs impurities from your skin’s pores, and is a natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory!
The best part? You’d probably have a lifetime supply if you spent the money you’re used to spending on your previous skin products.
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