This article contains a very personal and graphic letter.
I was recently told something so unsettling that tears came to my eyes. My heart lodged itself in my throat. My brain felt numb and cold. I had just been informed that two people in my life had sexually assaulted one of the strongest women I knew – two men who I once considered friends. Months had passed since the incident as she removed herself from friends, activities, and even a job she’d grown to love; her workplace was shared with one of the abusers as well, and served as a frequent hang out spot for the other. When this situation first came to light, we were in a group of people who happened to be mutual friends with both individuals. I immediately noticed the similarities in responses – quick to defend and even quicker to downplay the situation. This is where the first response is crucial, because reactions are what can stop someone from believing they have a right to speak up or seek help at all.
What I have heard:
“I just don’t believe [Blank] would do that!”
“Are you sure?”
“Maybe [Blank] didn’t know you really didn’t want it.”
What I have not heard:
“Is she alright?”
“I will do something about this.”
“This is uncalled for.”
I immediately understood why she hadn’t reached out sooner; she felt like what happened to her wouldn’t matter. It was her word vs theirs, especially since the two involved were well known and accepted in our community. The normalization of this behavior, especially within the entertainment industry, is toxic because of how oblivious our reactions can be.
Agreeing to intimacy under a certain state of mind does not mean that consent applies from then on out. Saying yes once does not mean you are accepting of behavior once you are no longer comfortable. If she is passed out, consent is GONE. If he pushes you away, consent is no longer yours. Maybe you felt like you shouldn’t have flirted, or you shouldn’t have partied. Maybe you saw something happening that you knew was wrong, and didn’t know how to stop it.
Creating a dialogue is the only way to bring these issues to light and to stop sexual violence together. Not only can awareness change perspective, but it also encourages bystanders to become allies in these situations. When it comes to life and death, doing the wrong thing or not doing enough can be detrimental. Hesitation in doing the right thing can be the difference between damaging someone mentally and physically. Someone whose life will never be the same again.
This is a call to unite in our communities. To stand up to sexual violence of all kinds, and to prevent it from happening to anyone and everyone. We have the power to shape our scene, and we can use that same power to protect those within it. If you or someone you know has been a victim of sexual abuse, do not hesitate to reach out to these hotlines and networks below. I am also available on email directly. Only by listening can we be there for one another.
National Sexual Assault Hotline (24/7)
Call 1-800-656-4673
National Sexual Violence Resource Center
Call 717.909.0710
If you actually want to protect people you need to name the rapist not merely virtue single. How do you think Harvey Weinstein did his thing for 25+ years. Be the change you want to see in the world!
@Anon: We are withholding names unless she decides to take legal action – we refuse to do anything that she is not 100% comfortable with until given consent.
Dwayne jubee Webb Chris Johnson
His name is JuBee!!! He’s a rapper.
So, I have been following this article since it came out, along with Facebook, Twitter, Your EDM blog post(Pretty Lights “uplifting article) and various other social media outlets. I want to state first and foremost I am not from the camps of either parties, the “victim” or the “perpetrators” but am a resident of Denver who just enjoys the music scene. After a couple of weeks of research I have made an assessment of a couple of things that, to me, had red flags all over it. One, and I guess the most interesting part of the equation, the police still have not gotten involved. Now, I have heard the #MeToo women and #MeToo men(who really just want to get some from the women they are backing up) who are blast anyone who has stated this as “you can’t trust the police”, “let me show you the statistics” and “she has done so much for coming forward”. The main thing to say to any of that is, if it was such a slam dunk rape case and these men did this heinous crime, then why not go to the police? Seems to me, even by reading the letter(which by and by made me chuckle several times with the almost poetic and dramatized nature of it, which no real rape victim would write) that there are several flaws in the story. She says drugs were involved, by all parties if I may add, and she cuts out the part of how it got to the sexual stage of the evening in the first place. Did the men just rip her clothes off and hold her down? That part obviously did not happen. So what got them all to the place where all of their clothes were off then? So, did halfway through she feel guilty and tell them quit then? I never heard once in the letter where she said to stop, not once. Are men supposed to read minds now? So men are supposed to not only read minds but also be aware of someone else being highly intoxicated while they are highly intoxicate as well? I have known only one REAL rape victim in my life and she would not speak of it with anyone, much less write a movie script worthy letter about it. Also, in that vein of thought, Tai C has really taken this as an opportunity to advance her journalistic career, right? Nothing like taking a real movement where real women are hurting to better your own pockets down the road. Also, to the people who said multiple women have now come forth about these men, made me laugh as well. I actually saw Michal Menert tell a stripper on Twitter(who I might add had several posts about performing various sexual acts and popping pills) that he was sorry for her tragedy and he was there for “all the victims”. Way to set yourself up for play later, Michal, nothing like using the #MeToo for some snatch down the road either. This whole debacle has jealousy and agendas written all over it. I also love the way internet tough guys who really know nothing of the people involved automatically side with the female in this before knowing any facts. Also, the music community in Denver is a joke. So quick to cut ties without any facts to save their own pockets. Where are the musians with balls in their sacks standing up and saying, let’s wait and see before passing judgement? Once again, a complete joke. I hope for the sake of all involved the ACTUAL truth is revealed and some of the fake victims of this are exposed(and I’m calling you out Tiwtter- @ChristinaCarti who’s name is F U PAY ME btw)… I urge everyone to be seekers of truth and not of “guilty until proven innocent”. – Thank you, Kevin
If one of her friends anonymously started a Go Fund Me for donations towards counseling I’m sure people would help. No woman should have to go through this without professional help.
Yes we should start a GoFundMe! I would donate!!
Hmmmm sounds very skeptical… how come she didn’t explain in detail what actually happened?
Hmm.. maybe because it’s the most painful
memory of her life? You’re a part of the problem
it’s painful, so she decides to write a letter to an editor that posts it online and it goes viral? How about if you’re gonna go public, you also go to the police…otherwise, it’s heresay. The accuser also has an obligation to have these guys locked up. If everyone is so fearful of them being predators…why aren’t they hellbent on locking them up? Just gonna leave them free to do it again? Reserving judgment on this until FACTS and NAMES are dropped.
Evidence was taken and logged with law enforcement. She has two years to press charges.
Sounds like a lotta bs… I’ve heard nothing about any law enforcement involved at all.
The state presses charges, buddy. Just goes to show you how much misinformation there is surrounding this.
What in the fuck. Willfull ignorance at its finest. We’re the men , we’re responsible for making women feel safe at all times unless once again full consent is given they grow us both figuratively and literally. Learn some respect
Seriously? How about all the mention of strangling, head holding, and a congratulatory high five. This girl isn’t required to paint a picture…. Any one of those points is reason enough to know that this was not done with consent.
Your comment sounds very insensitive. This is the issue when it comes to victims speaking out, people expect them to share their horrific story as if the victim really wants to relive the event. She doesn’t need to go into detail, her comparison to natural devestations says it all.
Really?!?!? I can’t believe this. No one owes their story. They already had to live through it. Who the hell are you? And what entitlement do you have to every detail of someone else’s story and pain?
If I sound angry, it’s because I am.
It takes so much courage to share a story like this, and she had already shared so much. To say it isn’t enough… to say she is lying…it’s disgusting and it causes so much pain to those who have already suffered so much.
Because someone is accused… We need facts. I’m not going to take someone’s word for it. There needs to be solid evidence.
No one was accused. There are no names mentioned here. The whole point of the story is to bring to light the horrifying tragedy of how unwilling people are to even consider believing someone who shares one of the most shocking and distressing experiences of their lives. Your response is exhibit B. Who are you defending?
Maybe bc it was horriffic? Sounds like youre just an enabler.. .
Ok, so by her own admission- she got Fucked up on drugs, flirted a lot, offered herself up for and consented to sex, did something she regretted, and now wants to claim rape. At any point, if she was uncomfortable, she could have attempted to stop this alleged abuse. She could have voiced her discomfort, pain, or hesitations. How is a man supposed to know a women feels abused, hurt, or unwilling, if she’s acting like a willing and voluntary participant? What’s to stop more women from crying foul when stories of a regretful night of embarrassing sexual escapades gets out to their friends. I’m not saying at all that this poor woman is a liar, and I don’t doubt that she’s hurting, but I’m just not seeing a lot of evidence here to support her claim. I just think there’s a lot missing from the story. I believe if she really feels that what happened was rape, and the facts support that, the first thing she should’ve done was contacted law enforcement, regardless of who these men are. Also, since this was written, the alleged abusers names have been released by the author, on her personal social media outlets. Guilty until proven innocent, just as all internet lynch mobs operate.
You seem to have a lot of intel to this evening. Whether or not this person flirted “a lot”, if they consented, or acted like voluntary participant?? and best whether or not this was rape. It’s as if you were about of this girls nightmare or maybe others that experienced similar evenings… Strange…
There are no names in this article, clearly for your innocent until proven guilty point. Or likely because that isn’t the purpose of this article. If other people come forward I hope someone takes action so there can be. People need to be warned of abusers and while in a perfect world legal action would be taken but the fact of the matter is the MAJORITY of sexual assaults are not reported. Maybe some of that is due to people similar to yourself who shame and blame the victim.
“FEELS ABUSED”? Are you KIDDING me? Abuse isn’t a FEELING, it’s a PHYSICAL thing that happens to you. These men knew exactly what they were doing.
In that case, I have been raped hundreds of times. That is terrible definition of rape. Something really bad happened and you should not use hyperbole. It diminishes this horrible situation
If you read through her social media post you will see at least 6 more people saying they have had the same experience with at least one of the perpetrators.
Not believing victims of sexual abuse makes you a big part of the problem.
I would suggest you read the letter again. “It’s hard to yell when they’re holding your head back and pouring tequila down your throat. It’s hard to find the words no when they’re shoving their dicks and fingers down your throat. It’s really fucking hard to talk when you can’t breathe.” Where in this do you not get that she was struggling to defend herself or even understand what was happening to her. In many cases of rape and sexual assault the victims do try to say no. They do try to defend themselves. I unfortunately have had many close friendships in my life be made victims of these heinous acts. I can tell you from their experience that many times the ordeal is extremely disorienting and scary. Put yourself in the victims shoes. There is 2 against 1 in this horrific situation, and I can guarantee you they were exerting much more power on her than she could have fought back. You chose to think that getting out of a violent situation like this would be easy but it isn’t. Educate yourself. Sympathize. Empathize. LISTEN. Also the amount of rape cases that get reported and actually followed through with are minimal. Officers and many judges and lawyers tend to take the side of the defendant instead of the prosecutor. What woman or person for that matter wants to have to relive their trauma to most likely not be believed or have them berated with questions like “What were you wearing?” “How drunk were you” “Why didn’t you say no?” “Why did you chose to put yourself in this situation”. If this is how she is going to chose to speak her truth and help herself heal and actually get the proper attention her case deserves, than so be it. Stop victim shaming and acting like they haven’t done enough to protect themselves. Rape can happen to anyone at any time and the fact that this survivor is strong enough to actually publicize her traumatic history is amazing in itself. And yes. Rape should always always be guilty until proven innocent. Believe in victims. Support victims. Listen to victims.
I would suggest you read the letter again. “It’s hard to yell when they’re holding your head back and pouring tequila down your throat. It’s hard to find the words no when they’re shoving their dicks and fingers down your throat. It’s really fucking hard to talk when you can’t breathe.” Where in this do you not get that she was struggling to defend herself or even understand what was happening to her. In many cases of rape and sexual assault the victims do try to say no. They do try to defend themselves. I unfortunately have had many close friendships in my life be made victims of these heinous acts. I can tell you from their experience that many times the ordeal is extremely disorienting and scary. Put yourself in the victims shoes. There is 2 against 1 in this horrific situation, and I can guarantee you they were exerting much more power on her than she could have fought back. You chose to think that getting out of a violent situation like this would be easy but it isn’t. Educate yourself. Sympathize. Empathize. LISTEN. Also the amount of rape cases that get reported and actually followed through with are minimal. Officers and many judges and lawyers tend to take the side of the defendant instead of the prosecutor. What woman or person for that matter wants to have to relive their trauma to most likely not be believed or have them berated with questions like “What were you wearing?” “How drunk were you” “Why didn’t you say no?” “Why did you chose to put yourself in this situation”. If this is how she is going to chose to speak her truth and help herself heal and actually get the proper attention her case deserves, than so be it. Stop victim shaming and acting like they haven’t done enough to protect themselves. Rape can happen to anyone at any time and the fact that this survivor is strong enough to actually publicize her traumatic history is amazing in itself. And yes. Rape should always always be guilty until proven innocent. Believe in victims. Support victims. Listen to victims.
Wow… you must be a dude. Typical dude perspective. Just because you flirt or do drugs does not mean you consent. Wow. What the hell is wrong with people? Drugs isnt consent. Flirting isnt consent. Going to a party is not consent.
This sounds like one of the predators trying to defend themselves with their account of what happened……
Please share with her, The Denver Health center has crisis councelours, She is experiencing PTSD- and rightfully so. My heart broke for her reading this. I do want her to know they have a treatment for this.. It’s called EMDR and denver will provide this therapy that will heal her, for free. When you live with PTSD you live with the dreams, the fear, the flashbacks constantly.. EMDR will help her brain process the trauma, she’ll always have the memory but it will no longer control her life, her thoughts or her actions. Denver mental health centers will stop her having to relive this over and over again, for free.
Tai, please tell her I am here, I am a rape survivor and I know that this can be treated. No one deserves to live in this type of hell.
Your heart broke for her after reading an article?!! Wow, unbelievable how you can believe something after reading it and not seeing the facts first. As a rape victim I’d hope that you would know that every woman that screams rape has not been raped, many men have lost their entire lives because of false accusations. Let’s wait and see what the police have to say before we side with the “victim”… it could be the other way around.
Why are the accused hiding, then? No statement from them at all.
Hahaha seriously you ask this question?! In this pretentious age of #MeToo majority of men would be silent and talk through lawyers. This world is not built for men to survive false allegations because of how people automatically believe the women without proof. You are obviously an idiot sheeple who follows the crowd without facts… let’s see those and then I’ll make judgement instead of you who is already decided before any proof.
Heather, you need mental help.
EMDR is super powerful in dealing with things like these, speaking from personal experience.
I am a Therapist in Denver specializing in sexual trauma. She and anyone else needing support and treatment can email me: [email protected]
To all of the people who say that this is made up, it’s not. One of the men involved in this used to be friends with my group of friends. We kicked him out for being predatory and spreading around women’s nude photos.
This just makes you sound like a lyer let’s see the police report and arrests with facts please!
It’s spelled liar Heather Denim. Also the issue with sexual assault IS the fact that victims aren’t believed. It’s because of people like you refuse to believe them when they tell their stories because you don’t “have all the facts”. It’s because of people like you that women are scared to be honest, scared to be brave, because you shut them down without a moment of hesitation. #Metoo is not some money hungry delusion. It’s about empowering the men and women who have faced sexual harassment and violence in their life to come forward. It is about finally giving those who have had prisoners tongues for years a voice and a platform. We are finally in an age where we are lifting up survivors, listening to them, and believing them. . . NOT burying them. You may try to make us go backwards but we will not. We stand with our sisters and brothers who have faced sexual aggression and applaud those who are brave enough to come forward. We will be the ones conquering this nasty disease in the end. NOT YOU. Also I highly doubt someone who hasn’t experienced this kind of trauma could write such a gut wrenching letter, don’t you?
just caught wind of this and for the record I have no opinion one way or another because I know no one involved… my brother however was accused of raping a girl some years back and it ruined his entire life. Come to find out after actual investigation, she was a lier and he was let off. You know what the consequences for her were? Absolutely nothing, was told to go home. He however had to try to build his reputation back from the shambles she had made. I am truly sorry for this girl if she was raped, but to even say guilty until proven innocent is beyond heartless… I do agree with most of what Heather has said, this movement of #MeToo has done great things, yes, but has also unleashed a lot of bad as well. I feel sorry for the people here who have made judgement just over words on a page.
For anyone who’s comment includes what “she should have done” or what “she did”.
You are contributing to rape culture!!!
You are letting men off the hook!
You are showing women that they are unable to come forward because they will face ridicule, doubt, and harassment!
PLEASE reformulate your thoughts so that you do not contribute to rape culture. What could we change of the MEN’s behavior in this situation?
Let’s change the cultural environment so that both women and men can live free without fear and pain.
Thank you for sharing your story, we support you <3
My question is what about the women who contribute to lying about rape who make it worse for the women that have actually experienced it? I have seen no police involvement nor any real facts just a witch hunt that seems to happen anytime some body cries rape without facts. Show me those and for sure I’ll agree with you.
I in no way support people falsely accusing sexual assault and agree that anyone who does that should see consequences if they are proven to have made it up.
However, it is estimated that only between 2% and 10% of rape accusations are proven false, and this is in line with other felonies.
See these links among many others:
If we assume that accusers of rape are lying, would it not make sense to assume accusers of robbery are also lying?
The reason many people do not press charges to the police is because of the culture tending to blame them for their actions, thus rarely are rapists actually ever sent to jail. Out of every 1000 rapes, 994 perpetrators walk free. The justice system is not set up for survivors of sexual assault unfortunately, so it is up to us to offer support, listen to their stories, and hold the men accountable for their actions.
Here are some graphics from RAINN to support this:
This woman is in clear distress, partially caused by not being believed by those around her. I have no reason to assume that she is lying.
I’m sorry it is very hard for me to believe that most allegations are true in this money hungry #MeToo world where a man gets destroyed as truth that he raped someone without proof. So, by reading the letter you could tell she was distressed? How do? Have you met the individual? So women are so dumb that they aren’t smart enough to devise a plan to take someone down by being crafty and devious? I am a female and I take offense to being called dumb. Also, my sister suffered from actual rape and she would be the first to denounce a woman for responding in this way. Too many women are jumping on the bandwagon of #MeToo for their own agendas. Whether it be a paycheck or trying to renounce a “mistake” made on a drunken night.
You are so sad.
The poi t is is that most of the time we never get to that point bc people lile you are calling the victims a liar! Or caliming their false accusations bc there is no police report… you are a contributor to rape culture! W
I need to understand how people who want to see facts are a contributor to rape culture? There are countless cases of women lying to achieve their own ends by lying about rape. I’ll never forget the story of the football player, Brian Banks, who was falsely accused by a classmate in high school for rape. Guy spent 5 years in prison and ruined his entire career. Was one of the most decorated athletes to ever play out of high school. They found out she was lying after she admitted to it, and they let him go. What happened to her? Lol she was told to go home… these are the stories that make people question this story. Why did this women go to a site to make her story go viral instead of the police? Sounds like an agenda here more than exposing wrong doing.
Wow, I love this #MeToo culture of embarrassed women who have a wild drug induced consentual night of partying and then call rape because it makes them feel better. It really hurts the women who are really going through pain and suffering from actual rape… this disgusting girl should have gone to the police if it was actual rape. Everyone wants a little 15 secs of fame and ruin someone’s lives in the process. It’s also unreal how people jump on board on social media without anyone being formally charged with rape or substantial facts presented outside of a handwritten note. Seriously you idiots should go and **** yourselves.
You’re a piece of shit and this reply is everything that is wrong.
And why am I a piece of shit? Because I prefer facts as opposed to speculation and conjuncture? So, you’re telling me every single woman who has cried rape is telling the truth? You’re telling me there is no way a woman who allows herself to have a threesome with two men couldn’t at all in the future feel bad about her decisions and then project it as something else? I stand by what I have said, show me cold hard facts not some simpleton hand written letter that looks like clout chasing in all honesty. Where are the police in this investigation? I wants facts if it is indeed true then you are right they should both be handled accordingly. But I will in no way back an obviously fishy story because sheeple on social media love to tear others down without facts. When I get those I’ll make my decision.
Not once in the letter did she say consent to anything that was described. Youre a fucking idiot.
And 15 sec of fame woth jubee? His music was never even that great. Better off 15 sec of fame with someone else.
You’ve replied to a lot of comments on here practically defending the men she’s accused. I can understand saying to wait for evidence and the like, but the degree with which you are hating on the victim and the people that believe her is extreme. And why even spend so much time replying to everyone’s comments of support on here? Seems to me you’re friends with him and don’t want to believe the accusation because of that.
I’ve also heard of him being aggressive with women, including specifically him choking a girl, so open your eyes to the very real possibility this is all true. And anyhow it’s been shown time and again that the percentage of false rape claims are infinitesimal compared to real accusations. And if she wanted “15 secs of fame” why accuse him? He’s not even that famous!
You’ve heard of him “being aggressive” to women… back to hearsay again. Listen, I am not a friend at all. I have heard his music and been a fan, yes, but my brother was also in Music and got accused for the same thing. Almost ruined his whole life, came out the lying bitch fabricated the whole thing for a paycheck. Also, my sister was actually raped and she would be the first to say a number of red flags are in this story. Don’t blind yourself to what you think is justice… I will whole heartedly jump on the string them up by their balls train if they are convicted… but I’ve seen too many women who lie for many reasons and ruin men’s lives.
These comments literally break my heart.
As someone who has been raped and someone who is scared to share her story because of what others may say, these comments just internalize that message even more.
Words hurt. I start to feel like where making progress and then I remember how easy it is for people not to believe us or to blame us. No wonder I struggle to share my story.
Like I’m literally in tears. People don’t realize the damage it causes when they question the stories of survivors of sexual assault.
I’m not even the person who’s being questioned, but these comments, however misguided and ignorant, represent the thoughts of many in regard to sexual assault- and it is so sad to be reminded that I live in a world where people question the most horrible and damaging thing that’s ever happened to me.
Then go to the police idiot.. you haven’t been raped you’re just here adding fuel to the fire to act like you’re apart of this… Go To The Police!!!! It’s simole quit with idiocy and do the right thing if you’ve been done wrong… quite chasing attention!!
Heather, your comments are filled with hate and vitriol towards the victim. Doesnt really sound like youre unbiased looking for facts at all. It seems like youve already made your conclusion. You are a part of the problem. Work on your syntax and diction if you do not want to have your statements sound like youre a rapist sympathizer.
Actually I am totally unbiased I see facts that state that those men did those things string them up by their balls… I am saying wait to see, people always blame the accuser before facts bc people are sheeple and they want to believe the worst.
Heather is one of the guys, I bet. Or one of their family members
Thank you! AMEN!
Heather (Dwayne – Dwayne’s family – whoever you are) you’re a real low life ignorant cold hearted loser.
It amazes me how social media is sooo quick to bash the victim and the accuser before getting all the facts. I hate rapist and I hate liars, but who are we to judge? Can we at least just wait for the legal process to start and investigate before we start passing judgement. You got people threatening the accuser or accusers life because of passing judgement and none of us still don’t know what happened that night. If the Accusers are guilty yes they will definitely reap what they sow, no doubt about it. But if the victim is lying well then she would be held accountable. I’m not taking nobody side or believing anything until the legal process starts. People are so quick to run to social media to bash a person. PS. Gena, Heather is not Dwayne’s family. We are Dwayne’s family. I just want the legal system to handle it and let them do what they are trained to do. And for the victim, you are in my prayers, I can’t imagine how hard this is for you. Get the help you need so you will be able to move on with your life. No one is saying it’s going to be easy, because this definitely has a tremendous affect on a person’s life.
The legal system which left the Stanford Rapist-Brock Turner convicted and sentenced to 6 months and let out early after 3 months? The same rapist who raped a girl behind a dumpster and would have kept going if someone had not stopped him? Or is it the same legal system that, up until recently, didn’t have victim protection laws and allowed defendant’s lawyers to call upon a woman’s sexual history as a defense against a rape. Or maybe it’s the same legal system that has, time and time again, perpetrated a rape culture that you can so OBVIOUSLY see in these comments. Is it the same legal system that will incarcerate 6 people out of every 1000 rapes? If you think that our legal system is just for any type of crime/criminal, including murder, embezzlement, theft, drugs AS WELL AS RAPE, than you are sadly, sadly mistaken. As someone who is studying criminal justice, I have news for you. Those who work in the criminal justice field, don’t even believe in justice or they keep fighting to bring justice to those who have done wrong. Rape and sexual assault are the most unreported crime in the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report every year and it’s common knowledge that this is attributed to rape culture, the judgement of victims, and the lack of justice held for rapists. Back to information about our legal system, it’s been suggested that rape and sexual assault have been even underreported/taken off official records to create an illusion by police departments, etc. You might be his family, but I am family to one of the girls. And it’s time that you not act like Brock Turner’s father did and be a real family member that will shame someone for their wrongdoings, as well as praising them for their good. If he was a child and hit someone, you would tell him no. Well, he didn’t listen to someone’s NO and must be punished. I’m sorry that your world has been shattered from the family mold into knowing that someone did something so horrific and broke your mold. But these women also had their family molds broken. It will take quite sometime and maybe therapy before they feel they can trust someone to start their families or continue the ones they have. Before they stop thinking that just anyone will take advantage of them. The girl who wrote the letter is SOBER because she doesn’t even want to risk it. I’m sorry that your view of the world is shattered because someone in your family did this, but so are these women. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Quit enabling someone on the basis that “the legal system will take care of it, we are in great hands.” Put yourself in their shoes. Come on, we all know better than that.
I personally know stories from 10 more women about varying degrees of harassment from the same person. Hard to believe too, because he was a friend of mine at one time.
I hardly think you personally know anything actually. Sounds like a hot steaming pile if you ask me… This was done all for publicity and attention, anyone in their right mind can see that. Amazing how social media crucifies people on hearsay before facts are ever put out. Oh so now, women who have disliked the accused all come out and band together to take a man down after he is punched to the ground… I’ve seen this a million times before, nothing new here at all…. just wow on this whole story, get the cops involved instead of making a production out of this, wow.
Hot and steaming indeed…
OMG it’s about damn time, one of these dudes was outed and banned from a few communities after we learned of him being abusive and also leaking underage nudes. It’s been well known for years this dude is shit. Anyone blaming the metoo movement is so incomprehensibly stupid, people aren’t coming forward for kicks jfc they are speaking up because finally maybe someone will listen.
Just because charges are not pressed or someone is not charged with a “crime” does not make certain behavior ethical. Our country still has many laws and rules that are not in the best interest of the people, fast food is legal but maybe it shouldn”t be, lsd is illegal but should it be ? People who have multiple grey area “rape” allegations have a tried and true routine of how to run a game that skirts around the law and leaves yhd victim in an uncompromising and voiceless situation. If you go to the police and tell them you took illegal drugs they will take you less seriously and may even turn the interogation focus onto where and who those drugs came from. If you think the police are an ethical outlet you are an idiot. Men should not be having sex with extremely intoxicated women especially if they encouraged and perhaps forced that level of intoxication , especially if the man is older and in a position of influence. Take her home , get her fluids and be a man. Not a creepy predator , this is not about breaking the law it is about bringing to light a manipulative , well executed and twisted game that some men run that can evade the law. Ladies be strong and respect yourselves. I am a man and have experienced creepy sexual behavior in the music scene towards me, i cant imagine as women the things you go through. Speak up , I love you.
Shouldn’t do drugs. Stupid produces stupid. And yes, food should be legal, drugs should stay illegal. Pathetic.
c’mon you outed yourself as a blind supporter. I think lol, you missed my point. Are you human or are you zombie?
Concerned = FuckOff = Heather Denim = SMH = Jennifer = Tamara = Jubee and/or CJ.
Plain and simple. Don’t play into their BS.
yo Tai, it’s kinda a lil bit weird that you are advertising links on your site for Jubee. Get your shit together a little better. I’m talking about the link on your site two days before this article got published.
its 7:07 am, not 2:06 pm like the timestamp says.
So because of one individual’s horrendous acts I should discredit the rest of the talented people who performed that night? I’m leaving it up, sorry if that upsets you.
Yeah, I call bullshit. It’s been brought up by a number of people that they want facts. That hasn’t been provided, enough time has passed. They’ve got nothing, this story has nothing, everything about this story is bullshit. It’s a shame what you guys have done to JuBee without any proof. Assholes!
Hey Jubee…
How do you figure logic & Reason is jubee? Because he/ she wants proof? I’m not Jubee and I would LOVE to see proof as well. I’m not on either side but it’s not fair that everyone jumps on the wagon of hating Jubee when we all loved and admired him in our community before all this came up?
Thank you Detective Lucy, I appreciate this line of thinking as well. I am not JuBee, but have known him well over the years and I am appalled at how people literally destroyed this man in a matter of days without any proof, and may I dare say, still no proof. It has been almost 2 months now and she still hasn’t gone forward? Wow, and the way that the music community disowned him without proof was absolutely disgusting as well. Michal Menart made me puke with the way he acted to try to save his own pockets by throwing JuBee under the bus. Once again, let’s see the proof, it’s been long enough, either show us or let this man have his life back.
I’m in the same boat.
It is with a sad heart that I have to write this post. I have watched many of my friends destroy one another over this and am ashamed of how most of them have acted. The ones who have made light rape to protect their friends and also the ones who have proven that it is guilty before proven innocent. Rape is never a good thing at all, but in knowing that my sister was raped a few years back really has helped me look at cases like these a little more clearly. I was disturbed by the fact that the “victim” wrote an explicit letter about the event to release through social media instead of going to the police. I know my sister has neer spoken of what actually happened to her except to the police because she had to. It is too hard for the victim to speak of such events for a wide audience. I was also disturbed by the fact that Tai C has been so adamant about exposing the alleged(and it is alleged no police is involved) perpetrators and has essentially destroyed one of their careers. Another disturbing event is the #metoo agenda to destroy people before they have been tried in a court of law. I thoroughly disgusted with my people from Denver for destroying someone without facts, I want to see facts not a letter. Why is it hard for people to believe that a woman who has had sex with two men could lie about having been raped? Do people not constantly regret their bad choices? So not just her but all parties were on drugs, so who had clear thought out of any of the parties? The fact of the matter is no one is asking the important questions here only jumping on the destroy train. This is not Jubee, this is not CJ, this is not necessarily a friend of either, however I have enjoyed the music provided by the one. This is a concerned person at the way this world has become.
Human answer
Whatever happened with this?
My guess is she never went to the police