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My first introduction to Fink was the most beautifully random thing I’d had the chance to discover a couple years ago. Stumbling upon treasures like Fink are one of the best things that can happen to your music taste buds.

The first tune I played by Fink was “Pretty Little Thing” from his soulful “Biscuits for Breakfast” album. In my eyes, this song sums up all that is Fink. The sexy lyrics and his romantic voice make all the difference. You feel a sense of fulfillment after listening to his words through your headphones. He makes you sense complete self-satisfaction – you are wanted by his words.

Fin Greenall, of Fink.

And THAT is what music is all about; that is the purpose.

There is a balanced mix of sensual, exotic, and nighttime soundscapes that will undoubtedly set you up for some non-stop Fink listening. For years after discovering him, my first thoughts were “God. He needs more work released.” And finally, he announced his newest album, “Hard Believer” to be released in July.

And yes. Today is THAT day.

The first thing on my mind this morning was to check his Spotify account and to finally see all those new song titles pop onto my screen.

“I can see the light coming…” is the first melody he sings to start the new album off. I knew from this initial moment that this album would take me on a dreamy, emotional ride. The song I would like to single out is his 6th track, called “Shakespeare”.

I would love to elaborate on every line, each word that connects to the next. I think to myself, ‘What influenced him to write this tune? What was he thinking about?’  Whatever thoughts that had provoked those dark lyrics caused me to tear up and inspired my mind even more.

The first couple lines of “Shakespeare” moved me. Fink speaks so much truth in this song.  He maintains a simplistic approach, but adds a mysterious twist that makes you crave so much more depth to every word he echoes out.

Oh why, oh why do they teach us Shakespeare
When you’re only 16, with no idea, what it all means
Oh Romeo, oh Romeo he thinks it’s a love thing
All masks and kisses from the balcony
It’s deeper than that bro, it’s a fuckin’ tragedy

All in all, Hard Believer is completely awe-inspiring. Each song is there to simply make you feel. From experiencing the spellbinding magic of “White Flag” to finishing off his masterpiece to acoustic folk, Fink succeeded by stirring my emotions. Hard Believer will not disappoint.

And truth be told, after giving his discography a good run through, he still has me wanting more of the intense, yet dreamlike aura his work delivers.

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